International Conference on Circularity in the Built Environment (CiBEn)

At CiBEn researchers, engineers and practitioners exchange ideas and showcases in technologies and methodologies for implementation of circularity in the construction sector.

13 juli 2022 -15 juli 2022

The international conference on Circularity in the Built Environment (CiBEn), organized by TU Delft, aims at becoming a major point of contact between researchers, engineers and practitioners in the area of green and sustainable construction. These topics call for a multi-disciplinary approach involving various research fields and expertise.

To this extent, the Conference on Circularity in the Built Environment intends to provide all participating actors and stakeholders with the opportunity to share opinions and practices in advance/innovative technologies and methodologies to implement circularity in the European and worldwide construction sector.

Eight main topics embracing all different aspects related to the theme of circularity in the built and environment, and sustainable construction materials will be dealt with. Among them, CDW Recycling Technologies, Sustainable Construction Materials, Circular Design & Management, Social Circular Economy, Standard Policy and Legislation.

The conference is hosted by TU Delft Aula Congrescentrum in Delft.

Foto: donorstaal bij renovatie winkelpanden Hoogstraat, Rotterdam (Rijnboutt, © IMd Raadgevende Ingenieurs).